
Pride in community while enriching lives through experiences and services that honour Italian culture and heritage.

Villa Charities, a registered charity established in 1971 as the Italian Canadian Benevolent Corporation, fulfills our mandate through diverse activities, programs and facilities, both directly and in conjunction with our affiliates.

Since our founding, these affiliates have steadily grown to accommodate expanding community needs. Each organization maintains a separate legal status and governance Board, with underlying philosophies and capabilities deeply tied to our own.

A group of people gather outside for Cena in Famiglia in the Villa Colombo gardens.

Villa Charities Foundation

Columbus Centre outdoor courtyard showing art gallery rotunda.

Columbus Centre

Exterior of the Villa Colombo Toronto long-term care home.

Villa Colombo Toronto

Exterior of the Villa Colombo Vaughan long-term care home.

Villa Colombo Vaughan

Exterior of the Casa Del Zotto, Casa Abruzzo and Caboto Terrace apartment buildings.

Casa Abruzzo, Caboto Terrace, Casa Del Zotto
