About Villa Colombo

Nestled in the heart of our 10-acre community complex, Villa Colombo Toronto is a designated ethno-specific facility that encompasses all aspects of Italian life and culture into the care and services it provides. Located on the Villa Charities campus near the Columbus Centre (at Dufferin Street & Lawrence Avenue West) and backs onto acres of beautifully landscaped grounds with distinct architectural features and fountains that emulate the tranquillity of old Italy.
Villa Colombo Toronto has invaluable expertise with over 45 years of experience serving seniors and is highly regarded in providing culturally suitable long-term care and community services.
Our Mission
We serve our Italian community, residents and elderly clients by providing the care they need to enjoy life to the fullest with dignity and independence in a safe, secure and home like environment.
Our highly trained and professional staff is dedicated to providing the highest and safest care and service to our residents and clients. Villa Colombo Toronto provides 24-hour medical and nursing services.
Long Term Care Services
Villa Colombo Homes for the Aged Inc. (Villa Colombo Toronto) part of the Villa Charities Inc. group of organizations, provides quality long-term residential care and community services to seniors honouring the Italian heritage.
Villa Colombo is designated a Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO). A BPSO is a health care facility and or academic organization selected by the RNAO, who have demonstrated excellence in implementing and evaluating the RNAO’s best practice guidelines (BPGs).
Villa Colombo has successfully implemented:
- Assessment and Management of Pain
- End-of-Life Care During the Last Days and Hours
- Preventing and Addressing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults
- Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints
Villa Colombo Toronto is a 391-bed air conditioned, not-for-profit long-term care provider of care and services catering to Italian-Canadians. Villa Colombo Toronto is unique in that it also provides Italian-sensitive community services such as Meals on Wheels, Adult Day Programs, Supportive Housing, and more to over 700 community clients.
When Villa Colombo Toronto was established in 1976, it was built to cater to the growing population of elderly Italians. To this day, Villa Colombo Toronto remains a unique facility with a tradition of excellence and quality care. Villa Colombo Toronto primarily operates as a Long Term Care facility, which serves as a home to those who are no longer able to take care of themselves in their own homes. Long term care homes are designed for people who require the availability of 24-hour nursing care and supervision within a secure setting. LTC homes offer higher levels of personal care and support than those typically offered by either retirement homes or supportive housing. In addition to the care services provided, Villa Colombo Toronto provides residents with complete meal service, daily exercise and other activities, and religious and spiritual services; all provided while being culturally sensitive to our predominantly Italian clients.
Villa Colombo Toronto also has an extensive community services program. Through the Community Services department, Villa Colombo Toronto offers various Adult Day Programs for seniors still living at home, a Meals on Wheels program that partners with other community organizations facilitating preparation and delivery of daily meals to hundreds of clients, and three supportive housing buildings that provide basic nursing and care services to mostly independent seniors.
For more information, or to inquire further about our services, please contact:
Villa Colombo Homes for the Aged Inc.
(Villa Colombo Toronto)
40 Playfair Avenue,
Toronto, ON. M6B 2P9
Phone: 416-789-2113
Fax: 416-789-5435
Email: info@villacolombo.on.ca

Working and Volunteering at Villa Colombo
Current Opportunities
Dietary Aide (Part-time, casual)
Registered Nurses (Part-Time, Temporary and Permanent)
Registered Practical Nurse (Part-time, casual)
Personal Support Worker (Part-Time, Casual – Day, Evening & Night Shifts)
Employment Brochure
Submit resumes to Jobs@villacolombo.on.ca
Volunteer Recruitment Poster
Email: volunteering@villacolombo.on.ca
Call for Board Members
Are you interested in getting involved and making a difference in the support and care we provide for our seniors? At Villa Colombo Toronto our vision is to be “Our community’s trusted provider of exceptional care”. The challenges facing Healthcare require leaders with a broad set of skills to help guide the organization through a period of profound system change while preserving and enhancing the quality of life we provide for our residents. To continue to do so we are looking for accomplished leaders to join our committed Board.
Learn more about this opportunity here. Deadline for applications is March 15, 2024.
Please email your materials to the attention of Mr. T. Costa, Chair, Nominating & Governance at volunteering@villacharities.com or mail/drop off in person to:Villa Charities Inc. 901 Lawrence Ave. West Toronto, ON M6A 1C3
Attn: Mr. T. Costa
Chair, Nominating & Governance
Applying to Long Term Care
Application for admission into a provincially regulated long-term care facility can only be made through a Ontario Health atHome. Please visit their website here to connect with the office and coordinator in your specific area for further assistance.
To schedule a personal tour of Villa Colombo Toronto, please call 416-789-2113 ext. 2277.
Villa Colombo Homes for the Aged Inc., under the guidance of its Board of Governors, has devoted over 45 years to delivering excellent care to its residents and families, and community users of its programs and services; this is largely due to the excellent relationships between various stakeholders and the commitment, dedication and support from residents, staff and families.
Sign up for the Villa Charities Newsletter to get all the latest news on our special events, cultural programs, fundraising initiatives and services.
Lisa Alcia
Executive Director
Daniela Gigliotti-Rivas
Assistant Executive Director
Nikki Mann
Director, Resident Services
Teresa Manserra RDH, BDSc, Cert Ed, LTC-CIP
IPAC Lead and Educator
Phone:416 789-2113 ext. 2256
Ministry of Long-Term Care
To make a complaint, call the Ministry’s toll-free number from 8:30am -7:00pm, 7 days a week:
Toll-free 1-866-434-0144.
Patient Ombudsman
Call Centre is open Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm.
Toronto: 416-597-0339
Toll free: 1-888-321-0339
TTY: 416-597-5371
Fax: 416-597-5372
Box 130, 77 Wellesley St. W.
Toronto, ON M7A 1N3
Continuous Quality Improvement Initiatives
Emergency Preparedness
Board of Governors
Accreditation Award
In January 2020, Villa Colombo Homes for the Aged Inc. (Villa Colombo Toronto) achieved “Accreditation with Exemplary Standing,” the highest recognition for performance excellence in the Qmentum accreditation program. This achievement was reaffirmed in February 2024, when Villa Colombo Toronto once again received Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada.
The four-year accreditation (2024 – 2028) acknowledges that Villa Colombo Toronto consistently meets national standards of excellence in quality care and service, cares about client safety and continues to strive for high quality health care. Receiving Exemplary Standing is not only a milestone for Villa Colombo Toronto but also a testament to shared values, amazing teamwork, and commitment to continuous improvement. It reinforces our position as a leader in the industry and reflects our tireless commitment to providing the highest quality of care and service to the residents, families, and clients in the community.
Accessibility Standard for Customer Service
- Process for Providing Feedback (Please deposit the completed pamphlet in box at reception desk at 40 Playfair Avenue)
- Information and Communication Standard (Integrated Accessibility Standard – Ontario Regulation 191/11)
Accessible Formats and Communication Supports
Villa Colombo Toronto will provide documents and communication supports, or information contained therein, in a format that meets any member of the public’s needs (as agreed upon with the person). Please contact us at info@villacolombo.on.ca.
Accessibility Plan
We prepare an accessibility plan that’s updated annually. We consult with persons with disabilities in the preparation of these annual plans. View our most current plan:
Villa Colombo Toronto AODA Multi-year Accessibility Plan
Questions or feedback on accessibility at Villa Colombo Toronto?
Email: info@villacolombo.on.ca
Phone: 416-789-2113