Try your hand at squash and racquetball on one of our four courts and make strides in your game. Whether you are a first-time player or a seasoned veteran, everyone is welcome!

MEET, GREET & PLAY: Squash and Pickleball Open House


Join us on May 23 for our Squash and Pickleball Open House for your chance to meet and play with Dylan, our new Squash and Pickleball Professional.


Date: Tuesday, May 23, 4:00 – 7:30pm
Location: Squash Courts, Columbus Centre Athletic Club
Refreshments will be provided.


If you have any questions, please contact fitness@villacharities.com, or call (416) 789-7011, ext. 231.


Squash Programs

Racquetball Programs

Stay tuned for new program information.

For more information please contact:

Phone: 416-789-7011 ext. 213

Fax: 416-789-3951

Email: fitness@villacharities.com
